Craigslist Tulsa: Ad goes Viral, Sparking Search

Grandma in Need of Family for Christmas

TULSA (Okla.) — A post on Craigslist tulsa titled “Anybody want a grandma to celebrate Christmas?”

This listing was posted by a craigslist tulsa woman in despair. She claimed that she doesn’t have a family and would love to be part of one for this holiday.

However, social media proved that the post was deleted after the woman received hateful comments. But, this hate fuels a love-filled hunt to find the woman to make Christmas memorable.

  • “Grandma” needs family Christmas present
  • “Grandma” is looking for family to spend the holidays.
  • It all began Wednesday night when Carson Carlock was surfing the internet.

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Carson stated, “I often go through the free section of craigslist tulsa just looking for stuff because sometimes people don’t give stuff away for free.”

  • His latest advertisement, which flashed across his screen at the moment, was not for sale.
  • “I saw this post and thought it was really sad.

The title of the post was “Anybody Need a Grandma for Christmas?”. It continued with, “I cook, and will cook dinner and bring gifts for my kids.” It hurts to be left alone.

Gail became quickly ill and was unable to travel to Oklahoma City from Tulsa during the holidays. Carson attempted to travel to his mother, but car problems prevented him from doing so.

“She would like me to do this for others.”

“Grandma For Christmas” was a unique craigslist tulsa listing that featured a tulsa woman. It seemed like the perfect opportunity for Carson to remember his mother and spread some holiday cheer. But he was too afraid to reach out and saw the post filled with hate.

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Carson stated that “a lot of people started to send her hateful messages.” “I can understand that everyone should be cautious about it, because there are so many bad things going on in the world.”

Posts accused the grandmother of being ill-informed and using the ad as a way to exploit families who would welcome her into their homes. After receiving negative feedback, the woman claimed she was just looking to be part of a family and posted an update. She thanked everyone who had given her the “extra shot to pain.” The post was later deleted.

Overnight, two-thousand people shared the post on Facebook. Many thousands of people came together to defend the grandmother and welcome her to their homes.

Carson stated, “I just want to let you know that you’re not alone.” Reach out if you want to be part of a Christmas family.

Carson stated that he had contacted Carrie, the “grandma”, via email. She is reluctant to contact anyone about Christmas because of the negative feedback.